Two people inside a concrete room.
- There must be other people.
- Other people? Where? I don't see any.
- No, not here.
- Not "here"? Where else? They'd just be stuck inside the concrete.
- No, i'm saying like... you can be outside this room and not be stuck inside concrete.
- That doesn't make any sense. You can't breathe inside concrete, you can't move inside concrete, you can't see anything but concrete.
- But what if there's some space outside concrete?
- Um.. there can't be an "outside" to concrete, concrete is the outside, outside of this room, which is the entire universe.
- What if it isn't?
- It literally is. Don't you see it? (knocks on the wall and sighs) I don't get how what you're saying relates to my confusion. You're not helping me understand your position from my vantage point. How do I make sense of your claims if your claims are inconceivable to me from within my perspective? Like, I'm asking you to explain to me what is it that you mean, but what you respond with is that my whole system needs to go.