A tree is sitting in the sun, its leaves swaying in the wind. It's a peaceful day, and the tree is content.
Suddenly, it hears a faint rumbling sound. The tree looks up, and sees a group of lumberjacks approaching with their saws and axes.
The tree is devastated. "Oh no," it thinks to itself. "This is it. The end of my long and happy life. I cannot believe that these woodcutters are going to chop me down and destroy my beautiful bark, my limbs, my very soul."
The tree watches as the lumberjacks gather around it, their faces filled with determination and their axes raised high. They slowly approach the tree, their footsteps thundering in the silence.
"Well, it was nice being a tree," the tree says as the lumberjacks draw closer.
Suddenly, one of the lumberjacks stops in his tracks and turns to his companions. "Wait a minute," he says, "did that tree just speak?"