The joke is a dark comedy, which involves a series of absurd and morbid events happening to a group of blind men playing poker in a dark room. The humor comes from the escalating series of absurd deaths and the unexpected punchline delivered by the dwarf at the end.
The first part of the joke sets up the scene by describing the blind men playing poker in a dark room, with one of them accusing another of cheating. This in itself is humorous, as they are all blind and cannot see the cards or the other players. The use of the word "see" in the phrase "I see what you mean" is an ironic pun, since none of the men can actually see.
The joke then takes a darker turn with the sudden and bizarre deaths of the blind men. Each death is more absurd than the previous one, creating a sense of shock and surprise. The deaths are not only unexpected, but also comically exaggerated and ridiculous.
The punchline comes when the lights finally turn on, revealing a dwarf who comments on the situation. His remark, "I guess you could call this 'dark' humor!!", is a pun that connects the literal darkness of the room and the figurative darkness of the humor, as well as a play on the term "dark humor", which refers to jokes that deal with morbid or taboo subjects.
The joke concludes with the dwarf casually wiping up the blood, adding to the absurdity and dark humor of the situation.