Once upon a time, there was a mischevious parrot named Plato. Plato had a habit of questioning the nature of reality alongside his owner, Mrs. Smith. One day, Mrs. Smith was preparing for a cosmic gathering, and Plato was pondering the meaning of existence.
Mrs. Smith, intrigued, said, "Plato, if you don't stop questioning reality, I'll put you in the black hole!" Plato didn't listen and continued to philosophize. Eventually, Mrs. Smith opened a wormhole and sent Plato into the black hole.
After a few eons, Mrs. Smith pulled Plato from the black hole. Plato emerged, vibrating, and said, "I promise I won't question reality again, but I have one query: what did the multichicken do?..."
Mrs. smith replied, smiling, "It crossed the 1300 years per century zone."