Simulation Status: Crashed

Simulation Summary: The simulation followed the life of the protagonist and their relationships with friends and family. They experienced various adventures and challenges, including a beach day, a mysterious quest, and interactions with a detective. The simulation ended with the protagonist reflecting on their life and watching a sunset.

Simulation chronology:
-The protagonist remembers a childhood memory of swimming with their best friend Teddy.
-They recall another incident where a bird attacked Teddy.
-The protagonist and their friends have created a "Kingdom of Friends."
-They enjoy a beach day with their family, including their daughter Francesca and her friend Felicia.
-The protagonist's friend Gracie provides testimony to a detective about Teddy's actions and mood before he went on a quest.
-The protagonist seeks help to find something important and makes a promise to keep it a secret.
-They reflect on their life and the bonds they've formed with others.
-As the sun sets, they savor the moment and anticipate the evening's adventures.

Reason for Crash: The simulation crashed due to a data corruption in the fragments, causing incomplete and scrambled information. The cause of the corruption remains unknown. Further investigation is required to prevent future crashes.