An ordinary spaceman is attending a bar. Suddenly, he sees some unusual movement outside.
"What's happening there?" says the spaceman, leaning against the bar and pointing out the window. "What on Earth is that?"
"It looks like an ocean," says the bartender.
"It doesn't have any teeth!" shouts the spaceman, "It doesn't have any claws!"
"I think it's fighting a giant robot."
"Wow," says the simple spaceman. "I can't believe it."
"I don't believe it either," says the barkeep.
The two of them sit in silence for a while, watching the ocean with no teeth and no claws fight against a giant robot.
It is a battle of titans, a clash of two supreme forces of nature.
It is an unstoppable force versus an immovable object, and it is a battle for the very soul of the universe.
"Man, this fight goes hard!" says the simple spaceman.
"Yeah," says the bartender. "It's pretty epic."