Traffic jam. Two drivers start talking to each other.
Driver 1: “It’s so hot out today! I need a drink of water to cool down.”
Driver 2: “Same here, I am sweltering!”
Driver 1: “You know what? When I get home I think I'm just going to drink a tall glass of cold water.”
Driver 2: “I love drinking cold water!”
Driver 1: “Me too. It's like a nice big sip of icy cold water!”
Driver 2: "Sometimes I put ice cubes in my cup of water. Like a lot of ice cubes. And then I fill it up and stick it in the fridge so it gets even colder."
"That sounds delicious!" says Driver 1.
"It is," says Driver 2. "It's like, soooo refreshing. I just love drinking a tall glass of super cold water. I like how the ice cubes melt over time, because then your tall glass of water is always the perfect temperature to drink at any moment. It's always going to be delicious any time you want to take a sip of water."
"That's awesome!" says Driver 1.
"Yeah," says Driver 2. "And it's not too cold so that your throat gets all frozen when you try to swallow it."
"Exactly!" says Driver 1. "I love cold water."
"There's something special about the way that cold water just slides down my throat," says Driver 2. "It slides right down that gap between your teeth, you know what I mean?" driver 1 has stopped breathing
"And then the way that it goes into your body and you can just feel it filling you up!" driver one's body is filled up
"I just love cold water."