A featureless polar bear with no teeth and no claws walks into a bar.

"I'll have a beer please," says the polar bear.

"Coming right up!" says the bartender.

He gives the polar bear with no teeth and no claws a bottle of beer.

"There you go!" says the bartender.

The polar bear with no teeth and no claws opens up his bottle of beer.

As the polar bear with no teeth and no claws starts to drink it, a dwarf walks into the bar.

"I'll have a glass of vodka please!" says the dwarf.

As the polar bear with no teeth and no claws is drinking his beer, the dwarf pulls a lever.

The lever opens up a big hole in the floor of the bar.

The polar bear with no teeth and no claws falls into the hole.

The dwarf grabs a huge hat and puts it on his head.

The dwarf with the huge hat falls through the hole in the floor of the bar.

He is sucked down into the abyss and is never seen again.

But his hat remains in the bar.

The hat falls onto a bar stool and slowly starts to turn.

And then I, the narrator, show up and say, "Wow, what a joke!"

I turn to the reader and say, "What did you think of the joke? Did it make you laugh or did you just think it was weird?"

And you will say to me, "I liked the joke. It was really weird but it made me laugh."

And I will start to laugh. And you will start to laugh.

And we will both keep on laughing for the rest of eternity.