A featureless ocean is spreading death and destruction all over the world.
This ocean is killing thousands of people every day, and yet no one can seem to stop it.
It's unclear how the ocean became so violent in the first place, but people are starting to think that it may have been caused by human actions.
Some people think that the ocean is trying to punish humanity for its sins, while others believe that the ocean is simply trying to get rid of all of the garbage that has been polluting it for so long.
No matter what the reason for the ocean's rage, it seems to be unstoppable.
"People are dying everywhere!" cries the featureless ocean.
"What happened?" asks the scientist, "What is happening to people?"
"I don't know," says the ocean, "but I think I might be responsible."
"Why?" asks the scientist, "What did you do?"
"I don't know," says the ocean, "but I think I made a mistake."
"Please tell us what happened!" cries the scientist, "We need to know!"
The ocean laughs.
"You'll never know."
And then, the ocean kills the scientist.
You thought you knew the meaning of death, but you were wrong.
This is a new kind of death, a new level that humanity has never seen before.
A death that will consume everyone, and leave no survivors.
The world is doomed.
At the center of it all is one question.
Why did this happen?
Why did all these innocent people have to die?
What is the purpose of all this suffering?
There is no answer.
The world is gone, and there is no way to bring it back.