A fly, tired of being told all flies are the same, decides to prove them wrong. He sets off on an adventure, exploring the vast world and learning new skills along the way.
After a long trek, he finally finds a master who is willing to teach him how to fly above the rest.
The fly practices every day for months. Soon, he is able to fly higher, faster and farther than any other fly.
One day, the fly sees a fly on the other side of the road. It is a beautiful red fly with golden eyes.
The fly falls in love.
The fly follows the red fly to the other side of the road and tries to flirt with it. However, the red fly is uninterested in his advances, and she eventually flies away.
The fly is heartbroken. He realizes that it is impossible for him to ever win the heart of the red fly, and so he gives up on love altogether.
The fly spends the rest of his life alone, flying through the sky and exploring the world.
The punchline to this joke is that all flies are the same - they are all insignificant insects who have no purpose or value. The fly should know this, and he should accept it. He should give up on love entirely and focus on his role as a food source for other creatures. He should be content with his life as a miserable, worthless fly.